Contrastive Learning from Exploratory Actions:

Leveraging Natural Interactions for Preference Elicitation

University of Southern California
2025 IEEE/ACM Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI)


Robots that interact with humans must adapt to diverse user preferences. Learning representations of robot behaviors can facilitate user-driven customization of the robot, but machine learning techniques require large amounts of manually labelled data. Manually labelled data can be difficult to obtain because users are often unmotivated to engage in monotonous labeling processes. In this work, we identify that users learning to use a new robot automatically engage in exploratory search processes that generate data which can be used in place of manually-labelled data. We propose a method to learn representations called Contrastive Learning from Exploratory Actions (CLEA) that leverages this exploratory search data to learn representations of robot behaviors that facilitate user-driven customization. We show that CLEA can learn representations that satisfy the criteria of effective robot representations: completeness, simplicity, minimality, and interpretability. CLEA representations outperform self-supervised representations in their completeness, simplicity, minimality, and interpretability.

The above video shows the interface users used to design signals for a robot. The robot helps users with an item finding task, and users showed diverse preferences and expectations for how the robot should behave. While using this interface, users subtly expressed their preferences for the robot's behavior by exploring different signal options before finally settling on their preferred signal. In this work, we harness this subtle source of information to learn user-aligned representations of robot behaviors. By using features that are more aligned with users, these users can more easily customize the robot to their preferences. Because it is easier to design signals, users are then able to provide even more information on their preferences. The cycle results in continously improving both the robot customization process and the features that facilitate robot learning.

an overview of the proposed framework.

A good feature representation has four criteria: completeness, simplicity, minimality, and explainability. Completeness refers to the ability of the representation to capture all the information needed to predict the user's preferences. Simplicity refers to the ability of the representation to reflect user's preferences with a simple linear model. Minimality refers to the ability of the representation to be concise and not contain redundant information. Explainability refers to the ability of the representation to be readily used with existing explainability techniques, for example "explanation by example".

A simple alternative to CLEA is to learn feature representations directly from data using self-supervised approaches like autoencoders or variational autoencoders. Other options are to use pre-trained models such as X-CLIP or Audio Spectrogram Transformers. We found that using the data directly from users allows us to learn representations that are better than these baselines on all four criteria, highlighting the importance of collecting diverse user data.

To evaluate CLEA, we collected a dataset of user rankings for robot signals. We then trained a model to predict these rankings using the learned representations. We show the results for the four criteria below.

a graph of test preference accuracy for each method

Completeness. We show that CLEA representations are more complete than self-supervised representations in the graph above. We evaluated this using the Test Preference Accuracy (TPA), the ability of a model to predict user choices on a held-out test set. We show that CLEA representations are more complete than self-supervised representations because they achieve a higher TPA.

A table and graph of AUC alignemnt for each method. The table contains dimensions 8,16,32,64,128. The graph shows the results for dimension 8 in detail.

Simplicity and Minimality. We show that CLEA representations are simpler and more minimal than self-supervised representations in the graph above. We evaluated this using the Area Under the Alignment Curve (AUC Alignment). AUC Alignment measures the ability of a model to predict user choices on a held-out test set using a simple linear model. We learn the linear model by using a bayesian update rule to update the model's weights. We show that CLEA representations are simpler than self-supervised representations because they achieve a higher AUC Alignment across all dimesions and modalities. They are more minimal than self-supervised approaches because they achieve a higher AUC Alignment with fewer dimensions.

A graph of cosine similarities between top-ranked signals and exemplar signals

Explainability. We adopt the framing of explanation by example to evaluate explainability. A feature space is explainable if test examples are nearby training examples. We use the cosine similarity between the top-ranked signals and exemplar signals to evaluate explainability. We found that the CLEA representations are more explainable than self-supervised representations because they achieve a higher cosine similarity.

Future work may explore how feature spaces may transfer across different robot tasks, across different robot embodiments, or across users. We hope that the future of robotics will be more user-friendly, and that robots will be able to adapt to diverse user preferences.